Our neighborhood is amazing and right in the heart of everything. We walk around all day and see restaurant after restaurant that we want to try out. Not to mention the many amazing stores filled with goodies. The best part is that every street is so unique. See the picture below to get a feel for the colors that epitomize the BA feel.
Last night was so much fun and we already have a great group of people here. Karlyn is slowly learning to like fish and I'm weaning her in to become a true fishonado. Everyone is beautiful here and that's an understatement, particularly the boys. Karlyn and I were in awe at each bar we stepped into to see so many gorgeous faces looking back at us. They also have a very collectic style- preppy, but edgy. Needless to say, we were in great company. Our suitors included French, Mexican, a world traveler and a few Argentine men. It was a great combination of people from all over the world who each have a unique, interesting story to tell.
We were able to sleep in and relax from the evening and long flight this morning. However, the parents will be happy to know we worked on the job situation and are hopefully close to becoming working Argentine ladies. In fact, we even have an interview tonight to be event planners, which would be right up our alley. Gives you all more of a reason to visit and try out our events. More interviews to come tomorrow in the day, so we're excited to see what we get thrown into.
We went on a wild goose chase today in search for the Jumbo Easy store that is the equivilent of Target or Costco here. We ended up taking the subway and walking endlessly only to find out the store was down the block and all the directions we had received had sent us in wrong directions. We were able to check out the city some more and the bizarre cat park. The park literally was filled with cats. We didn't quite understand why, but learned that owners dropped them off there because they didn't want them. I wouldn't blame them. However, wouldn't the park attendants know they were going to do that in the first place if they brought them there? Karlyn and I not being cat fans did not enjoy this feline gathering one bit, but were able to check out a modern gallery located within that was worth the journey.
Tonight our schedule is triple booked. We have dinner scheduled with three different groups and are thinking of bouncing around from one to the next. We'll see if that actually happens, but one thing is for sure there will be dancing. Karlyn's only goal for the evening is to get them to play the new Miley Cyrus song, so she can show off her recital of each single word that she so adamently knows by heart.
Phrase of the day: Que rico! That's how you would describe our life at the moment. Ciiiaoo
Que rico? Como ese! Es raro el gato parque! Es karlina se habla espanol? Voy a comprar " Spanish for Dummies" para mi! Mi habla espanoles debil. La banda toca en un club nocturo? Miley Sirus musica? Haha! Buenos noches and Te amo...mommsita!