Monday, November 2, 2009

Mendoza: Day 4

The next day, we slept in to our heart’s content and departed for the airport. We had an eventful time at the airport in learning that Greta had accidentally booked the flight for the day before! She nervously stared on at the long line of unorganized people waiting to board the flight hoping that her stand by status might bring her an actual ticket. There was also a whole team of futbol players in our midst that gave us some amusement while we awaited the security check. Greta was on edge- considering buying another ticket with a different airline- as we approached the front of the line. Lucky enough, she was able to get a ticket and we were all able to board the plane together, without having to pay any money for her careless mistake. However, the gate was in a state of complete chaos as they had both flights for Buenos Aires leaving at the same time from the same small gate! Passengers were confused and stood in random lines not sure why some people were permitted entry to the gates, why others were denied access. It was an Argentine mess, but we finally happily slouched down in our seats after an hour delay at the gate.

Back in Buenos Aires, we dropped off our bags in a state of complete exhaustion due to the terrible heat that had struck the city. Greta was on edge and disappointed to find that she had failed to escape the Arizona heat on her vacation. With no air conditioning in our apartment, we got a taste of what life would be like in upcoming months as the summer approached. Needless to say, we are not looking forward to the sauna that will become our home in upcoming days…. We are currently working on a plan to either get our landlord to install an air conditioner or try to get out of the lease at the moment. Any ideas are greatly needed.

In preparation for the evening’s event, we went to pick up our costumes. Karlyn and I already had our costumes picked out, but Ashley and Greta needed to find one. They sampled costumes ranging from a hilarious Egyptian costume to flappers and finally, successfully settled on a geisha and bear guise.

With bags full of costumes in hand and a massive sombrero hanging out of mine, we decided to give Greta and Ashley a taste of America in Argentina. Kansas, an almost exact replica of Houston’s, is one of our favorite restaurants here and offers some tasty reminders of home when we need them. They also have a great happy hour deal of 10 peso drinks and scrumptious appetizers for 12 pesos- an unbeatable price in a very familiar environment! We enjoyed our fill on Houston delights and delicious, cheap drinks in preparation for our first evening of Halloween festivities.

Karlyn and I love Halloween so were very pleased to learn that it was celebrated here and we got two whole nights of it! As Karlyn mentioned, we dressed up as a Mexican trying to cross the border and she was the border control. Thought we would add a funny twist to Arizona characters and not be one of the many girls wearing a promiscuous outfit. We even added some crazy mustaches to invoke further laughs from onlookers. Surprisingly, we quickly transformed into our characters and walked out onto the street only to be met by a wave of humid heat! Let’s just say it was not the most comfortable environment with a thick poncho and large sombrero. We were quite the sight on the street in our random assortment of wild costumes!

We drove around every which way in search of the boarding dock for the boat party. Our taxi driver feigned an understanding of our destination as we made zigzag movements throughout the city. Without any credit (as always), we had no clue how to get there. Lucky enough Greta was able to use her creative Spanish skills, which was only English pronounced with her variation of a Spanish accent, to finagle the taxi driver to lend us his phone. With a few friend’s helpful directions and some stops along the way, we finally managed to make it to the landing dock just before the boat was about to head out!

There, we found quite a range of costumes. Some of which, we were very impressed by! However, we were forced inside while the boat made its way out of the dock. It was like a steam room packed with people and Greta did her best to do everything but faint. We found the ideal spot in front of the ship to take in some refreshing cool air as different characters accosted us on the boat. With no more patience, Greta blocked the doorway and commanded people to exit the boat, despite the crew’s complaints. Waving in pure delight with a mischievous smile, Greta and Ashley beckoned us outside as well. We introduced the visitors to our international group of friends and came back down for a little dancing once we were properly refreshed. Down below, we danced while our friend’s band, Emilio and the Ostrich, played Sublime and other favorites! We danced the night away while Greta tried her luck with an interesting Einstein character. She was surprised to learn that his “wig” was really his real hair! They managed to communicate in her “fluent Spanish” in order for her to maintain her spot next to the window. I was not too popular with the female figures on the boat as I accidentally hit people with my immense sombrero! Despite their pleas, I continued to dance with the girls well into the night.

After getting enough dancing in and the boat finally docked, we elected to head home. The heat had drained our normal energy and we were craving some of our vast supply of Red Vines! Let’s just say our request from home for Red Vines was not a good idea because we have ended up with an enormous collection of them. Regardless, they were the perfect treat to a long night of dancing!

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